Grower: Phuket High

Rating: 4.5

In the final minutes of the Phuket Cannabis Cup Korn of Phuket High grabbed me and shoved a jar of Big Ripper into my hands while expressing, โ€œI think you will like this.โ€ I took those beautiful, plump white dusted purple and green buds back home to Bangkok can confirm: Indeed, Korn, I like this! Big Ripper opens with strong, clean, and natural herbal, citrus and pine menthol aromas. Very classic, very fragrant and enticing. The flavor is highly satisfying with a sweet, earthy, clean herbal mint taste.

The high is where Big Ripper really shines. The bud gets in the head with a powerful but pleasurable high which leaves the user happily dazed and giddy. That high quickly moves down into the body in waves which relax muscles and drag the euphoric user down a path to the land of the stoned. The last line of my notes state: โ€œSlowly rolling down a hillโ€”watching everything go byโ€”happily stoned.โ€  

I highly recommend Big Ripper to experienced users. Its high is so happily debilitatingโ€”it is the perfect bud for someone with zero responsibility.  The flavors and odors are classic and very tastyโ€”making this bud an all round winner for me. The bud is strong and I would not recommend it for novice users . . . but perhaps one puff would be ok.

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Mendel Menachem

Mendel Menachem is a curious and well-known cannabis commentator in Thailand, with a particular focus on locally grown flowers and their growers. His unwavering support for the local industry has earned him widespread respect within the Thai cannabis community. Mendel also regularly reviews cannabis from throughout the country, which he expertly reviews thanks to his renowned palate. Follow him on Instagram